Scholars Series – An Initiative of the RA, USCJ, JTS, AND ZIEGLER


November 10, 2020    
8:00 pm


Below are the links for all of the sessions from JTS. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU REGISTER FOR EACH SESSION THAT YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING. A day before each session that you have registered for, you will receive a Zoom link for that session. 

HHBJC has become a partner in the series which will enable you to register at no cost.
Watch for your HHBJC emails for the coupon code for the class or email

Please note that the Coupon Code is case sensitive. Note that the registration may ask for credit card/billing information but with the coupon code entered and applied, you can click through without entering the information.

Hidden Histories and Untold Stories
Tuesdays at 8 PM ET / 5 PM PT

JTS Registration Link

Join JTS scholars as they uncover the hidden context around biblical figures
and important eras in Jewish history.

        11/10: Dr. David Fishman on how religious pre-Holocaust Eastern European Jewry actually was-or wasn’t

        11/17: Dr. Alan Cooper on why we stopped caring about Moses’s descendants

        12/1: Dr. Sarah Wolf on how foreign the beit midrash would feel to the early Rabbis

      12/8: Dr. Amy Kalmanofsky on what the Bible really had against Jezebel