We can read the episode of Egel Hazahav, the Golden Calf, which dominates our Torah portion, in two distinct ways. It is either a ringing indictment of Aaron, or it’s an example of a leader thinking quickly to make the best of a rotten situation. Is he complicit in building the calf–remember, he is the Continue Reading »
The Ner Tamid, the eternal light that is such a powerful symbol in the synagogue, has its origins in this week’s Torah portion, Tetzaveh. Through Moses, God commands Aaron to gather pure olive oil to establish this Ner Tamid. Aaron and his sons are to set up these lamps “in the Tent of Meeting, outside Continue Reading »
As we embark on a series of Torah readings that deal with the architecture and furnishings of the Mishkan, the Israelites’ wilderness-friendly portable sanctuary, we see a great deal of detail that may seem bereft of meaning. After all, do we look for spiritual inspiration in the technicalities of Ikea assembly manuals? But the beauty Continue Reading »
In 21st-century New York, when we find ourselves exploited and powerless to challenge our oppressor, we call “Help-Me Howard.” But long before the popular TV news public advocate became a household name to New Yorkers, there was the Torah, the ultimate champion of the downtrodden. In particular, widows and orphans were seen as most vulnerable Continue Reading »
We’re all, from time to time, guilty of “biting off more than we can chew.” Standing at the foot of Mount Sinai, preparing for the presentation of God’s covenant, that which we call Torah, the Israelites seem to have done just that: “All the people answered as one, saying, ‘ALL that the LORD has spoken Continue Reading »