This week, we acknowledged the heroic service of our veterans, and while we weren’t able to have our usual Veterans’ Shabbat led by our Men’s Club, it was inspiring to see such love for veterans on social media. Thank you to everyone in our congregation who served, and may we have pride and loving Continue Reading »
Last week, I suggested that election cycles begin the moment the last election ends. Well, this year we are getting an extended election. As I write this message, several races, including that for President, have yet to be decided while votes are still counted. One wonders if the election will continue to be litigated even Continue Reading »
As we enter the final Shabbat before Election Day, we meet God’s elected ones–Avram and Sarai–in this week’s Torah portion, Lekh-Lekha. My Shabbat morning teaching will address something that I sense many people are experiencing these days, and perhaps even more so this week: fear. I can’t think of this Torah portion without thinking about Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, I hope that the first days of the month of Marheshvan have been good to you. The name of this month is similar to the ancient Akkadian month, but the rabbis found symbolism in its first syllable, Mar, bitter, as in maror. Why is this a bitter month? Because it doesn’t have any holy days, especially Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, we have a Shabbat morning simhah–the B’not-Mitzvah of Chase and Etana Keppel. We are excited to have a celebration in shul, and I’m excited that the young women are reading and teaching Torah! Since they are teaching, and I’m delivering a charge to Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, As we enter the final days of the Tishrei holy days, I want to affirm what we’re missing, and appreciate what we still have. True, we will not have a full sanctuary for Hallel, Yizkor, and Geshem on Shabbat morning, and we will not chant our chapter of Kohelet in the Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, For months now, we have been aching to get out more. Sheltering at home is premised on the idea that our homes protect us from all the elements, especially the virus. Well, this week gives us ample opportunity to step out of that shelter into another, but more flimsy, form of home. Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, A New Year means new opportunities for us at HHBJC. Last Shabbat was Rosh Hashanah, and it was the first time that we had a minyan in the synagogue with an option to connect via technology on a day that is kodesh, sacred. This Shabbat will be our first foray into a Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, As I taught at our online davening this morning, the rabbis were terrified that Torah would be forgotten. Some were resigned to this eventuality, but Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai refused to accept such pessimism. He found evidence in this week’s second portion, Vayelekh: “this poem…will never be lost from the mouth of their offspring” Continue Reading »
Dear Friends, Instead of my usual look at the weekly Torah portion, I share with you thoughts on the upcoming High Holy Days. You can find my message here. Every Friday in Elul, I’ll be sharing a clip of music for Selihot, the penitential prayers of the season, that Sephardim have already begun Continue Reading »