Feeling and Meaning our Prayers A couple of weeks ago Rabbi Greene commented (note: one must give his or her teachers credit) that often we go through our prayers but we don’t let our prayers go through us. I believe that his point was that while we (too) quickly mutter the various prayers for Continue Reading »
Psalm 27 For the Penitential Season During the penitential season, from the first day of the month of Elul through Hoshana Rabba ( the last say of Sukkot before Shemini Ha’atzeret and Simchat Torah) it is customary to recite Psalm 27 at the end of the morning and evening services. To be honest, I Continue Reading »
Introduction To My Ritual Blog Friends, I have been offered the opportunity as Ritual Director to share, from time to time, to share my thoughts on ritual or spiritual matters. I am flattered by the offer and more than happy to take on the task. A caveat: I am not The Rabbi. I am not Continue Reading »