The email address and password to be used are the same as the login credentials used for the web version of ShulCloud.
Fields | Descriptions |
1. Email Address | Email address used to login to ShulCloud. |
2. Password | Password used to login to ShulCloud. |
3. Face ID/Touch ID Toggle | Turn on/off the ability to use Face ID/Touch ID to login (apple products) |
4. Login Button | Available to click only once credentials are entered. |
5. Forgot Password Link | Click if password has been forgotten. The next screen will ask for an email address to send the reset password link to. |
The image below is an example of the home/welcome screen.
Scroll Down the home page and you can find 5 of the our coming programs or events
Click any event and you can obtain information on the program and where it will be held and whether it is also on Zoom or on Our Live Stream
Browse further down and find important LINKS to help you access our community
You can access the Worship Schedule, Click for a Direct link to Watch Our Live Stream of Programs and Services, Open our two Zoom links to go to the Zoom Presentations (either Rabbi Wise or Greene’s link- opening the zoom program you should have downloaded on your phone or tablet); Click to go to our You Tube Channel for archived programs or Live Streams of our Programs or Services; Click to Make a Donation to the Synagogue in Honor or Memory right from your phone and tablet.
The Home screen has a bottom navigation menu with the option to go to your account, contact the synagogue, view the congregational directory or view upcoming events.
Choosing your account will bring up choices to click:
The choices include
Directory – you can access your information in the directory and choose what you want to have displayed
Profile / Addresses – modify your addresses and also insure that your email is correct.
Statements – Look at your financial account and then access the link to make your payment right from your phone or tablet.
Choosing the Congregational Directory
Click a name and you can even dial or email the congregant right from the screen by clicking the phone or email address displayed.
Choosing Events and you can look at upcoming events and even register and pay if there is a charge
And you can filter the search for events
And Use the Upper Left Menu (the three bars)
And Access an Additional Menu
From this menu, Choose Calendar and You can view a month calendar and choose any special calendar if you are on a committee or the Board with a special calendar.
Or Choose another View of LINKS that includes additional links beyond those listed on the Welcome/ Home Screen