Perhaps some of you watched the tribute to the TOP 10 CNN HEROES as June and I did recently. There were 3 “heroes” in particular that caught my attention.
Firstly, I was so proud of the 2 Jewish heroes that were honored. Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg tragically lost his 2 year old daughter to leukemia in 1981 and witnessed the terrible pain many children endure while undergoing medical procedures and treatments. He founded the nonprofit organization, Kids Kicking Cancer. Rabbi Goldberg is a black belt in Choi Kwang-Do himself and his mission is to help children by teaching them how to use martial arts to help manage and ease their pain and fears during treatments. His group has provided free lessons and support to 5,000 children and their families. Kol Hakavod and may Hashem give him the health to continue doing Gemilut Chassadim.
Dr. Wendy Ross is a Pediatrician specializing in Developmental Behavior Pediatrics. She is the founder of the nonprofit, Autism Inclusion Resources, and has helped hundreds of families deal with challenging social and environmental situations, such as airport travel, sports events and simply being in public. As Autism can cause a heightened sensitivity to environmental stimulation, lights, music, the noise of a crowd and traffic can cause a meltdown that is unpredictable. Her organization helps provide training to employees at stadiums, airlines, airports, etc., about autism and how to interact with individuals who have the disorder. May G-d bless Dr. Ross as she continues her remarkable work.
Another wonderful individual is Arthur Bloom. He uses the healing power of music to help hundreds of injured soldiers gain back some happiness in their lives. His program, MusiCorps, pairs together professional musicians with soldiers recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, helping them play instruments and even write and record music. Some of the soldiers who have lost limbs sometimes require specialized instruments, which Bloom provides. Arthur Bloom;s mission is to help those injured by war, reclaim some happiness, through the joy of music. By the way, I thought that Arthur Bloom might be Jewish. After all, his name seems like it might be. But after searching the web I could not verify this. If anyone can find this information, please let me know. Then that would make it THREE OF THE TEN CNN heroes that are Jewish.
MARCH 15, 2015 (Sunday)
My friends and colleagues from the Cantor’s Assembly will come to HHJC, from all over the country, to treat us to a very special Evening of Eclectic Music, as they join us in celebrating my special anniversary at HHJC. Reception to follow.
MAY 17, 2015 (Sunday, Late Afternoon-Evening)
Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to enjoy some good food, reminisce and share many memories and laughs together.
JUNE 14, 2015 (Sunday) A very special REUNION of ALL MY CHOIR MEMBERS from all the years past. This will be a BLAST!! GREAT NOSTALGIA and SHARING MEMORIES. It will be a time of MUSIC, SONG, LAUGHTER, FUN and FOOD! All are welcome!
I will be on vacation for a few weeks and will be back after the secular New Year. I look forward to seeing you all in shul when I return and can’t wait to share many celebrations & Simcha’s together with you.
See you in Shul.
Cantorially always,
Cantor Sol Zim