Passing of Marvin Sklamberg z’l

We are saddened by the passing of our congregant Marvin Sklamberg, husband of Lynne and a past president of the Jewish Center of Oak Hills. The funeral will be held on Tuesday, February 18 at 11:00 AM graveside at New Montifiore Cemetery on Long Island.

Shiva will be observed at Lynne’s home, 56-03 E. Hampton Blvd in Oakland Gardens, at the following times:

Tuesday from after the funeral until 4 PM and 5:25-8 PM;
Wednesday and Thursday from 1-4 PM and 5:25-8 PM;
Friday from 1:00-3:30 PM;
Sunday from 1-4 PM and 5:25-8:00 PM

Minhah and Ma’ariv will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday at 5:25 PM.

HaMakom Yenahem–may God comfort the mourners.