Sisterhood May 2019 News
Well, Spring is really here – and that means that Sisterhood is really busy.
Before we talk about regular things, though, as a Sisterhood we send a virtual hug to our sister Ruth Kessler, who is always in our minds and hearts.
What is going on with Sisterhood now:
- We are finishing up Our Purim Project, and extend our thanks to everyone who helped – especially our “basket” designer, Vicky Wolkofsky.
- Thanks too to our Challah Bake organizer, Jo Ann Luquis. Those challahs were yummy!!
- We are looking forward to May 19th – our Kosher Chef demonstration by internationally-renowned food artist Paula Shoyer. We only have 40 slots total, so please send in your check and $36 immediately.
- June ends our year with another special treat: How to make your own tallit, a two session program by Judy Greene from Marathon Jewish Center. Please note that the time of the first session has changed. Because of the Salute to Israel parade, we are meeting on June 2nd at 7 pm, not in the morning.
- There is also one more Sisterhood-sponsored June event to note: If you are a Mah Jongg player, you may want to join us for our Mini-Marathon and brunch on June 23rd. Reservations must be made in advance, so please send in your $36 now.
- Now we are up to Summer – and watch your mail please. We send our Honey From The Heart info – where you can inexpensively send a jar of delicious kosher honey to friends and relatives, with your personal greeting, before Rosh Hashanah. Then you will get your membership request for our next year – and we hope you will join or re-join us.
- A new year also means new ideas – so please let us know what you see as new possibilities.
See you soon!