As a new year begins, we at Sisterhood want to extend our thanks to everyone who has participated in our Honey From The Heart project. If you didn’t get to order honey this year, please plan on it for next year. Friends and relatives who get honey are grateful and surprised, and it is delivered to their homes with your name and message on the label.
Thank you also to everyone who has already sent in their Sisterhood dues. If you haven’t done it yet, it is never too late. Our Sisterhood Paid Up Membership brunch is on Sunday October 22nd, and you can even join at the door. Our speaker is our own Melanie Katz, who is a New York City High School Principal, and who will have a lot to say about what’s doing in NYC education this year. You don’t want to miss it.
For this fall, we hope you will also join us at our Torah Fund Breakfast – on Sunday November 19th. It is our fundraiser for National Women’s League, and each year honors a deserving Sisterhood member. This year we are pleased to honor Linda Liederman, our hard-working Congregational Nurse and Torah-lifter extraordinaire (among her many special skills).
If you would like to be part of planning Sisterhood events and programs, please join us at our next Sisterhood Planning Meeting, Wednesday evening October 2nd. We are looking forward to an interesting and meaningful year.