Shalom. So far Sisterhood has had a very eventful Spring, 2016 and we plan to continue with events that will be fun, social, educational, spiritual and delicious. By the time the next Dateline is available, our Sisterhood Women’s Seder will be a sweet memory. I am sure that all who attended learned something new, drank 4 cups of wine together and participated in some singing, dancing and merriment. I would like to thank the Women’s Seder committee for a job well done.
On Sunday, May 15th at 11 AM, Sisterhood and Men’s Club are uniting for a special program on “Communicating with Style: How to be a More Effective Communicator”. Mindy Stern, a member of HHJC and Sisterhood and an energetic, effective communicator, will be our speaker. Mindy’s talk will be followed by a sushi lunch or for those who do not eat sushi, an Asian fusion lunch. At that time, we can all practice our social communication skills.
Our year-end event will take place on Wednesday, June 15th at 8 PM. As usual, there will be food and drink as well as sharing, activity and laughter. More details will be provided soon.
Please watch for information about “Honey from the Heart”, our 2nd annual Rosh Hashanah fund raiser. Details will be available during the summer. The 2016 Breast Cancer walk at Jones Beach will be on Sunday, October 16th. We plan to participate in the walk that morning because Sukkot starts that evening. It will be a busy but fulfilling day. Stay tuned for more details.
Please continue to support our Sisterhood and attend all the events. You may also consider becoming even more involved and volunteer on the planning committee for the coming year. Thank you.
Beth Sofer Diker
Marilyn Teleky
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Your Donation Made A Difference!
Good news can certainly be spread at any time. Here is some news that we thought you should know about the charitable donation part of the 2015 Sisterhood Purim Basket orders, which we will be replicating shortly. If you remember, we asked everyone for at least five dollars for charity, which is a tradition of the holiday. That money, a total of almost $900 last year, has gone to the following charities:
AMERICAN FRIENDS OF JORDAN RIVER VILLAGE FOUNDATION – supporting their Israeli camp for ill children of all ethnic and religious backgrounds.
AMERICAN FRIENDS OF NEVE HANNA – helping needy disadvantaged Israeli Youth at the Neve Hanna Youth Village
AMERICAN ZIONISH MOVEMENT – Their Purim campaign to help needy disadvantaged Israeli youth.
DOROT – intergenerational volunteer services to the elderly.
MAZON – a national Jewish response to hunger – feeding the needy.
The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program for Israeli Children with Special Needs and the IDF Lone Soldier Project.
THE NALAGA’AT CENTER – empowering and supporting deaf and blind Israelis.
TOMCHEI SHABBOS OF QUEENS – Volunteer services, bringing food baskets to needy Queens families.
YAD SARAH – and their network of volunteers aiding disabled, elderly, and housebound Israelis.
All of these charities have web pages, if you want more information about them. Thank you for being part of helping those in need.