Shabbat Vayehi 5782
This week’s Torah portion is called Vayehi, which means “he lived.” But this parsha is replete with death, and about promises made about burial plots. We also learn just how accepted Yosef became in Egyptian society. He lived to be 110, which is to Egyptian mythology what 120 is to our culture–the quintessential full life. But unlike Ya’akov, his request to be buried in the land of his ancestors doesn’t happen promptly. In fact, as we prepare to move into the next book of the Humash, the delay will be significant.
My goal in offering the weekly musical scavenger hunt is to entice people to read the Torah portion carefully, as well as to have some fun with music. Even if you don’t care for the video clips, it’s worthwhile to read the parshah anyway! For those who want to play along, why did I think of these songs?
Answers will be revealed after Shabbat ma’ariv and havdalah, which begins this week at 5:05 PM. Remember that during the winter months we are having minhah at 12:15 PM, after morning services and kiddush.
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and happy listening,
Rabbi David Wise
Candle lighting: 4:11 PM
Torah Reading: Genesis 47:28-50:26
Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12