June 2018 Sisterhood News


Yes, summer is coming – and hopefully that means relaxing time.  However, for Sisterhood, it means even more.

First of all, in June we are going to have some Hoedown fun, co-sponsored by Men’s Club.  Then we have Honey From The Heart, a great program of ORT of Atlanta, where we have the chance to send family and friends a personalized gift of a jar of honey for Rosh Hashanah, at a terrific price.  Watch for the mailing. Then we have our bus ride to the Yiddish Theatre production of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF on the afternoon of August 12th.  (Be sure to order your tickets now, or it will be too late.)

Beyond that, though, Sisterhood is already making lots of plans for next year.  We have some old ideas, and some new ones, that we know you will enjoy.  A Challah Bake, a Holiday Bazaar, some terrific outside entertainment – plus our paid up membership brunch and our Torah Fund event…all are already in the works.

We look forward to sharing good times with old friends and new. Meanwhile – have a great summer!